Detailed information on various monuments across the state of Karnataka in IndiaThis app provides detailed information on various monuments across the
Detailed information on various monuments across the state of Karnataka in India
This app provides detailed information on various monuments across the state of Karnataka in India.
The app features three sections :
1. District Selection on the main home page
2. Selection of monument/sites under a selected district
3. Detailed information about the monument with photos, history, description, directions, document links and map view (using GPS co-ordinates)
Each page of the app has a slider menu to directly navigate to details of another district and a home button to return to the home screen.
The details about the festivals are categorised under different headings, which upon clicking reveals the information and this would also close the other headings so that the information view is not cluttered.
The Map view feature can help tourists find the location. It can be used with the default Google maps on most smart phones to find the directions to the destination and also access the distance and travel time.
Home Page
The home page shows the list of districts as multi-coloured buttons.
The user can select the district of choice to view the list of monuments present under the district. Upon selecting the district, the view slides to the left revealing the list of monuments
Selecting Monument
Upon selecting the district, the list of monuments/sites within the district is displayed. The monument list view is shown using a slide back screen change. The user can select the monument of choice to view the details.
Monument Details
Upon selecting the monument, the monument view opens up which lists the following information as per the details supplied by the department:
1. Photos : One or more monument photos will be displayed
2. History : A brief history of the monument will be displayed in this menu option
3. Social Relevance : A brief write-up on relevance of the monument and the role it played in the social fabric
4. Civil Structure Description : Some interesting points on the civil structure and architecture of the monument
5. How to Reach the place : Brief written instructions on reaching the site
6. Documentation : Web Links to external documentation (opens up the links on the mobile browser. This action will require internet since it will be an external web link)
7. Map View : Opens a map view of the site based on GPS co-ordinates supplied by the department
The details about the monument site are categorised under different headings, which upon clicking would reveal the information and this would also close the other headings so that the information view is not cluttered and this improves the readability especially on smaller screens.
Upon clicking the map view, a user can set the default map as Google Maps of Android phone, in which case the location will be displayed on map. The Google map provides the distance and route from the current location. This can help tourists in planning for the journey and guiding them during the travel to reach the site.